Ruby On Rails Cheat Sheet

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Ruby On Rails Cheat Sheet

What`s inside

A complete ROR cheat sheet for everyday use.
(from beginners to advanced users).

About the Content

If you are not an every day ROR  person…. or
If you forgot a syntax that you once knew … or
If you want to take a glimpse of how things are done in Ruby and on Rails … or

I think that is too many or’s already.


  • Created in 1995 at Japan, by Yukihiro Matsumoto (‘Matz’)
  • High Level, General Purpose
  • Interpreted
  • Multi-Paradigm (Procedural, Object Oriented, Functional)
  • Dynamically Typed

         – Variables are not declared prior to use

         – No explicit type set

  • Dynamic Language
  • Everything is a reference type. (No value types)
  • Duck typing : Behaviors over types
  • Cross platform
  • Case sensitive with Casing Conventions

         – Classes and Constants must begin with a Capital letter.

         – Variables must start with a lowercase.

  • Inspired by : Smalltalk, Perl, Eiffel, Ada, Basic & Lisp
  • Ruby file extension : rb
  • Thoroughly object-oriented with inheritance, mixins and metaclasses
  • Dynamic typing and duck typing
  • Everything is an expression (even statements)
  • Everything is executed imperatively (even declarations)
  • Succinct and flexible syntax
  • Dynamic reflection and alteration of objects to facilitate metaprogramming
  • Lexical closures, iterators and generators, with a block syntax
  • Literal notation for arrays, hashes, regular expressions and symbols
  • Embedding code in strings (interpolation)
  • Default arguments
  • Four levels of variable scope (global, class, instance, and local) denoted by sigils or the lack thereof
  • Garbage collection
  • ⇒ First-class continuations
  • Strict boolean coercion rules (everything is true except false and nil)
  • Exception handling
  • Operator overloading
  • Built-in support for rational numbers, complex numbers and arbitrary-precision arithmetic
  • Custom dispatch behavior (through method_missing and const_missing)
  • Native threads and cooperative fibers
  • Support for Unicode and multiple character encodings
  • Native plug-in API in C
  • Interactive Ruby Shell (a REPL)
  • Centralized package management through RubyGems
  • Implemented on all major platforms
  • Large standard library, including modules for YAML, JSON, XML, CGI, OpenSSL, HTTP, FTP, RSS, curses, zlib and Tk


  • Spoken as ‘Rails’, Written as ‘RoR’
  • Open-source
  • A Full Stack – Web application framework – MVC Framework
  • Written In Ruby
  • Created in 2003 by David Heinemeier Hansson (‘DHH’)
  • Created as foundation of 37signals’ Basecamp application
  • Released as open source in 2004
  • Built in Database support : sqlite3 (default), MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • With Plugins: Oracle, ibm_db, SQLServer, Frontbase
  • ⇒ Convention over configuration
  • Forced to adopt an MVC style of development


For Ruby v1.8.x $ gem install ruby-debug-ide $ gem install ruby-debug-base . For Ruby v1.9.x $ gem install ruby-debug-ide $ gem install ruby-debug-base19x . For Ruby v2.x $ gem install ruby-debug-ide $ gem install debase .

Trying out the debugger

Step 1: Create a file sample.rb with some code

2.times do puts “hello”.upcase end


Step 2: Go to the Debug tab (Ctrl + Shift + D )

Step 3: Create new launch.json file

———- Add Configuration > Ruby > Listen for rdebug-ide

Step 4: Initiate a debugging session via the terminal

———- $ rdebug-ide sample.rb

Step 5: Press F5 to start debugging

———- The configuration dropdown should be set to Listen for rdebug-ide

⇒ IRB (Interactive Ruby – A Built in REPL)

Open a terminal > type irb > Press Enter > Write your code


⇒ PRY (Similar to IRB, but with syntax highlighting)

⇒ Apache 1 or 2

⇒ Phusion Passenger (Passenger | mod_rails | mod_rack)

⇒ Nginx (‘Engine X’)

⇒ Lighttpd (‘Lighty’)

⇒ Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)

⇒ WEBrick


Basic Ruby

Step 1: Create a test.rb file.

Step 2: Type puts “Hello, World” and save.

Step 3: Open a terminal and execute:

$ ruby test.rb


Your Output : Hello, WOrld


Simply meaning : Build strings from multiple lines

Note : There must be no space between << and the terminator.


Declare code to be execute before and after the program runs.

Sample 1 2.times do puts “hello”.upcase end . until loop . while loop . do-while loop . for loop . Upto | Downto .
If-Else . . If-Elsif . Inverse Predicate . Operators In If-Else .
Creating a Class in ruby (Conventions)

– Class Names must start with a Capital letter

– Ruby Classes are Constants, i.e When you define a class, you actually create a Class Object which is assigned to a constant. The constant becomes the class name.

. Sample 2 .
Creating a Class in ruby class ClassName def initialize(date_of_birth) days_since_birth = – Date.parse(date_of_birth) @age = days_since_birth / 365 end def can_smoke? @age >=18 end end . Sample .

Puts :

– Adds a new line at the end.

Always returns nil.

puts “Hello World”
puts “Hello World”


Hello World
Hello World


Print :

– Prints without a new line.

print “Hello World”
print “Hello World”


Hello WorldHello World


p :

– Prints the objects ‘raw’ version.

Returns the object passed to it.

p “Hello World”
p “Hello World”


“Hello World”
“Hello World”


pp :

– Similar to p

– Pretty printing of big hashes and arrays


⇒ Cannot be instantiated

⇒ Cannot inherit or be derived from

⇒ Can contain classes,methods, attributes and other modules


Variables & Data Types

Local Variables

– Defined in a method.

– Exists only within a method or a scope.

– Begins with a lowercase letter or a _


Instance Variables

– Private by default.

– Available across methods for a particular instance.

– Preceded by a (@) sign followed by the variable name. @potato


Class Variables

– Available across different objects.

– Preceded by a (@@) sign followed by the variable name. @@user_count


Global Variables

– Available across different classes.

– Preceded by a ($) sign followed by the variable name. $total_amount



– Begins with an uppercase letter.

– Those described within a class or module can be accessed from within that class or module.

– Those described outside a class or module can be accessed globally.


– Getters and Setters.

. .


– Integer number range from -230 to 230-1 or -262 to 262-1.


String Literals

⇒ Data structure that stores items by associated keys.




– A range (1..5) means it includes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 values.

– A range (1…5) means it includes 1, 2, 3, 4 values.


– Globally Unique.

– Unique Instances.

– Named representation of memory locations.

– Denoted with a colon. eg- :symbol_name

– Use symbols in place of string identifiers.

Enumerable Methods

.each allows you to step through each item in an array.


.each_with_index allows you to step through each item in an array.

⇒ provides you with the index of the item.


.map allows you to step through each item in an array.


.map will return a new modified array.

.each will return the original array



.select allows you to find an item in an array.

.reject does the opposite of select.



.reduce reduces a list down to a single value by combining things

.inject is just an alias for reduce.

⇒ Consists of two parameters – the accumulator and the current item.

⇒ Can take a starting value for the accumulator as the first argument.




1. Implementation Sharing

Provide direct access to internals

inheriting from a superclass

including a module into a class

extending an individual object using a module

patching a class or individual object directly

evaluating code in the context of a class or individual object


2. Behavior Sharing

By message passing between distinct objects, limiting direct access to internals.


decorating an object using a dynamic proxy

composing objects using simple aggregation



1. Installation | Source

– Add rspec-rails to the development, test namespace in the gemfile.

– rspec-rails 1.x for Rails 2.x.

group :development, :test do
gem ‘rspec-rails’, ‘~> 3.6’

– Install

$ bundle install


2. Setup an rspec directory

Creates a spec folder with rails_helper.rb and spec_helper.rb file inside.

rails generate rspec:install


3. Write a test

– Create a new sub-directory named requests in the spec directory

– Add a new spec file ending with _spec.rb eg: evaluate_wor_spec.rb

– Write your test. Sample test :


– Boilerplate specs

# RSpec hooks into built-in generators
$ rails generate model user
# RSpecs own generators
$ rails generate rspec:model user
# More Information
$ rails generate –help | grep rspec


4. Run the test | Tag Options

$ bundle exec rspec
# Run specs in a certain directory
$ bundle exec rspec spec/models
# Run a specific spec file
$ bundle exec rspec ./spec/requests/get_items_spec.rb
# Run a specific spec in a certain line number
$ bundle exec rspec ./spec/requests/get_items_spec.rb:23
# Run by a specific tag name
$ bundle exec rspec –tag focus
# More Information
$ bundle exec rspec –help

Basic Command Line

Test Ruby Installation$ ruby --version
Test Ruby Installation 2$ ruby -e "puts 1+1" #Output: 2
Generate config.yml$ devkit directory > ruby dk.rb init
Install devkit to enhance the enhanced version of ruby$ ruby dk.rb install
Create new Rails project$ rails new project-name -d mysql
Install gem file dependencies$ bundle install
Start web server$ rails server | rails s

Gem Commands

TitleCode | For More Information
Installation$ gem install gemName [gemName ...] [options] -- --build-flags [options]
Installing a gem$ gem install gemName
$ gem i gemName
Installing a specific version$ gem install rails --version 5.0.0
Installing with no documents$ gem install rails --version 5.0.0 --no-ri --no-rdoc
Uninstall a gem$ gem cleanup gemname
Show dependencies of an installed gem$ gem dependency REGEXP [options]
View doc for an installed gem$ ri RBTree
View doc for installed gems in a browser$ gem server
Generate RDoc for pre-installed gems$ gem rdoc [args] [options]
Search remote gems by name$ gem search [REGEXP] [options] $ gem search ^rails
$ gem search ^rails$ -d

Unpack an installed gem for modifications$ gem unpack rake
Query gem info in local or remote repo$ gem query [options]
Show info for the given gem$ gem info gemName[options]
Display the contents of a gem$ gem contents gemName [options]
Audit a gem’s contents without installing it$ gem fetch gemName
Build a gem$ gem build GEMSPEC_FILE [options]
Build a gem to a different output$ gem build my_gem-1.0.gemspec --output=release.gem
Check gem version$ gem -v
List locally installed gems$ gem list
Display all outdated gems$ gem outdated [options]
Update gem$ gem update --system
Open source in editor$ gem open gemName [-e COMMAND] [options]
Push gem to the gem server$ gem push gemName [options]
Get Help$ gem --help

Rails Commands

Install Rails$ gem install rails
Rails Help$ rails
Create new application$ rails new appName
Launch a Web Server$ rails server
$ rails server -e production -p 4000
Generate a Controller$ rails generate controller name [field[:type][:index] ...] [options]
Generate a Controller with Actions$ rails generate controller ControllerName action1 action2
$ rails generate controller Greetings hello
$ rails g controller home index
Generate a Data model$ rails generate model modelName
Destroy a Data model$ rails destroy model modelName
Interact with Rails app from command line$ rails console -e staging --sandbox
Run Ruby code in the context of Rails non-interactively$ rails runner "Model.long_running_method"
Get information about Ruby, RubyGems, Rails etc.$ rails about
Pre-compile assets in app/assets$ rails assets:precompile
Remove older compiled assets$ rails assets:clean
Clear public/assets completely$ rails assets:clobber
Search through the code for comments beginning with a keyword.

Default search directories : app, config, db, lib, and test
Default annotations : FIXME, OPTIMIZE, and TODO
Default extensions : .rb, .rake, .yml, .yaml, .ruby, .css, .js, .erb

$ rails notes
$ rails notes --annotations FIXME RELEASE
List all the defined routes$ rails routes
Clearn Rails temp directory$ rails tmp:cache:clear
$ rails tmp:sockets:clear
$ rails tmp:screenshots:clear
$ rails tmp:clear
$ rails tmp:create


  • A standalone Ruby Utility (Task runner)
  • Works by using the Rakefile located in the root of the project.
  • Ruby`s implementation of Unix`s make program : rake = ruby make


Create a task : mytask.rake

In Project ⇒ lib ⇒ tasks ⇒ mytask.rake

desc “My Custom taks.” task :mytask do puts “I will write some code here.” end . Execute the task rake mytask


List available rake tasks$ rake -T
$ rake --tasks
Filter list$ rake -T db
Pass environment variables$ rake db:schema:dump RAILS_ENV=production
Connect to a database and export the schema of the database$ rake db:schema:dump
Migrate Database schema and data$ rake db:migrate
Undo Database migration all the way down$ rake db:migrate Version=0


Methods in ruby (Conventions)

– Methods are named lowercase (snake_case) in ruby

– Every method returns a value. (the last value in the method is returned by default).

– Methods that return true/false end with a question mark (?)

– Parameter list and parentheses can be skipped if the method doesn’t take any arguments

. .
Optional Parameters

– Methods can have multiple optional parameters (They must be either the first or the last parameters)

Methods returning true or false

– Methods end with a question mark (?)

Bang Methods

– Methods end with an exclamation mark (!)

– They usually modify the objects that they are called on

Attribute Reader and Writer

attr_reader method creates an instance variable and a getter method for each attribute name passed as argument.

attr_writer method creates an instance variable and a setter method for each attribute name passed as argument.

attr_accessor method creates an instance variable, a getter and a setter method for each attribute name passed as argument.

– Arguments can be a Symbol or String that will be converted to Symbol



Arithmetic Operator

Comparison Operator

Assignment Operator

Blocks, Props & Lambdas

⇒ Enclosed in a do / end or between brackets {}.

⇒ Argument names are defined within pipe | characters.

⇒ Invoked from a function with the same name as that of the block.

⇒ Invoked using the yield statement.

⇒ Any number of arguments can be passed to a yield.



⇒ Enclosed in a do / end or between brackets {}.

In return statements: Tries to return from the current context.



⇒ A way to define a block & its parameters with some special syntax.

⇒ Just a special Proc object.



⇒ Lambdas are defined with -> {} while procs with {}.

⇒ Procs return from the current method, while lambdas return from the lambda itself.

⇒ Procs don’t care about the correct number of arguments, while lambdas will raise an exception.

Return and break behaves differently in procs and lambdas

Next behaves same way in both procs and lambdas



⇒ Curried Function takes multiple arguments one at a time.


Exception Handling

Begin Rescue


Custom Exceptions
