- ⇒ Created in 1995 at Japan, by Yukihiro Matsumoto (‘Matz’)
- ⇒ High Level, General Purpose
- ⇒ Interpreted
- ⇒ Multi-Paradigm (Procedural, Object Oriented, Functional)
- ⇒ Dynamically Typed
– Variables are not declared prior to use
– No explicit type set
- ⇒ Dynamic Language
- ⇒ Everything is a reference type. (No value types)
- ⇒ Duck typing : Behaviors over types
- ⇒ Cross platform
- ⇒ Case sensitive with Casing Conventions
– Classes and Constants must begin with a Capital letter.
– Variables must start with a lowercase.
- ⇒ Inspired by : Smalltalk, Perl, Eiffel, Ada, Basic & Lisp
- ⇒ Ruby file extension : rb
- ⇒ Thoroughly object-oriented with inheritance, mixins and metaclasses
- ⇒ Dynamic typing and duck typing
- ⇒ Everything is an expression (even statements)
- ⇒ Everything is executed imperatively (even declarations)
- ⇒ Succinct and flexible syntax
- ⇒ Dynamic reflection and alteration of objects to facilitate metaprogramming
- ⇒ Lexical closures, iterators and generators, with a block syntax
- ⇒ Literal notation for arrays, hashes, regular expressions and symbols
- ⇒ Embedding code in strings (interpolation)
- ⇒ Default arguments
- ⇒ Four levels of variable scope (global, class, instance, and local) denoted by sigils or the lack thereof
- ⇒ Garbage collection
- ⇒ First-class continuations
- ⇒ Strict boolean coercion rules (everything is true except false and nil)
- ⇒ Exception handling
- ⇒ Operator overloading
- ⇒ Built-in support for rational numbers, complex numbers and arbitrary-precision arithmetic
- ⇒ Custom dispatch behavior (through method_missing and const_missing)
- ⇒ Native threads and cooperative fibers
- ⇒ Support for Unicode and multiple character encodings
- ⇒ Native plug-in API in C
- ⇒ Interactive Ruby Shell (a REPL)
- ⇒ Centralized package management through RubyGems
- ⇒ Implemented on all major platforms
- ⇒ Large standard library, including modules for YAML, JSON, XML, CGI, OpenSSL, HTTP, FTP, RSS, curses, zlib and Tk
- ⇒ Spoken as ‘Rails’, Written as ‘RoR’
- ⇒ Open-source
- ⇒ A Full Stack – Web application framework – MVC Framework
- ⇒ Written In Ruby
- ⇒ Created in 2003 by David Heinemeier Hansson (‘DHH’)
- ⇒ Created as foundation of 37signals’ Basecamp application
- ⇒ Released as open source in 2004
- ⇒ Built in Database support : sqlite3 (default), MySQL, PostgreSQL
- ⇒ With Plugins: Oracle, ibm_db, SQLServer, Frontbase
- ⇒ NetBeans
- ⇒ Komodo IDE
- ⇒ Jet Brains RubyMine
- ⇒ Emacs
- ⇒ Atom
- ⇒ Cloud 9
- ⇒ Sublime Text
- ⇒ Visual Studio Code
- ⇒ Aptana Studios
- ⇒ Ruby in Steel from SapphireSteel (Integrates with Visual Studio)
- ⇒ Others: Notepad, Vim
- ⇒ Convention over configuration
- ⇒ Forced to adopt an MVC style of development
Trying out the debugger
Step 1: Create a file sample.rb with some code
2.times do puts “hello”.upcase end
.Step 2: Go to the Debug tab (Ctrl + Shift + D )
Step 3: Create new launch.json file
———- Add Configuration > Ruby > Listen for rdebug-ide
Step 4: Initiate a debugging session via the terminal
———- $ rdebug-ide sample.rb
Step 5: Press F5 to start debugging
———- The configuration dropdown should be set to Listen for rdebug-ide
⇒ IRB (Interactive Ruby – A Built in REPL)
Open a terminal > type irb > Press Enter > Write your code
⇒ PRY (Similar to IRB, but with syntax highlighting)
⇒ Apache 1 or 2
⇒ Phusion Passenger (Passenger | mod_rails | mod_rack)
⇒ Nginx (‘Engine X’)
⇒ Lighttpd (‘Lighty’)
⇒ Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
⇒ WEBrick
Basic Ruby
Step 1: Create a test.rb file.
Step 2: Type puts “Hello, World” and save.
Step 3: Open a terminal and execute:
$ ruby test.rb
.Your Output : Hello, WOrld
.Simply meaning : Build strings from multiple lines
Note : There must be no space between << and the terminator.
.Declare code to be execute before and after the program runs.
.– Class Names must start with a Capital letter
– Ruby Classes are Constants, i.e When you define a class, you actually create a Class Object which is assigned to a constant. The constant becomes the class name.
. Sample 2 .Puts :
– Adds a new line at the end.
– Always returns nil.
puts “Hello World”
puts “Hello World”
Hello World
Hello World
Print :
– Prints without a new line.
print “Hello World”
print “Hello World”
Hello WorldHello World
p :
– Prints the objects ‘raw’ version.
– Returns the object passed to it.
p “Hello World”
p “Hello World”
“Hello World”
“Hello World”
pp :
– Similar to p
– Pretty printing of big hashes and arrays
⇒ Cannot be instantiated
⇒ Cannot inherit or be derived from
⇒ Can contain classes,methods, attributes and other modules
.Variables & Data Types
Local Variables
– Defined in a method.
– Exists only within a method or a scope.
– Begins with a lowercase letter or a _
.Instance Variables
– Private by default.
– Available across methods for a particular instance.
– Preceded by a (@) sign followed by the variable name. @potato
.Class Variables
– Available across different objects.
– Preceded by a (@@) sign followed by the variable name. @@user_count
.Global Variables
– Available across different classes.
– Preceded by a ($) sign followed by the variable name. $total_amount
– Begins with an uppercase letter.
– Those described within a class or module can be accessed from within that class or module.
– Those described outside a class or module can be accessed globally.
.– Getters and Setters.
. .Numbers
– Integer number range from -230 to 230-1 or -262 to 262-1.
.String Literals
⇒ Data structure that stores items by associated keys.
– A range (1..5) means it includes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 values.
– A range (1…5) means it includes 1, 2, 3, 4 values.
– Globally Unique.
– Unique Instances.
– Named representation of memory locations.
– Denoted with a colon. eg- :symbol_name
– Use symbols in place of string identifiers.
Enumerable Methods
⇒ .each allows you to step through each item in an array.
⇒ .each_with_index allows you to step through each item in an array.
⇒ provides you with the index of the item.
⇒ .map allows you to step through each item in an array.
⇒ .map will return a new modified array.
⇒ .each will return the original array
⇒ .select allows you to find an item in an array.
⇒ .reject does the opposite of select.
⇒ .reduce reduces a list down to a single value by combining things
⇒ .inject is just an alias for reduce.
⇒ Consists of two parameters – the accumulator and the current item.
⇒ Can take a starting value for the accumulator as the first argument.
1. Implementation Sharing
Provide direct access to internals
⇒ inheriting from a superclass
⇒ including a module into a class
⇒ extending an individual object using a module
⇒ patching a class or individual object directly
⇒ evaluating code in the context of a class or individual object
2. Behavior Sharing
By message passing between distinct objects, limiting direct access to internals.
⇒ decorating an object using a dynamic proxy
⇒ composing objects using simple aggregation
1. Installation | Source
– Add rspec-rails to the development, test namespace in the gemfile.
– rspec-rails 1.x for Rails 2.x.
group :development, :test do
gem ‘rspec-rails’, ‘~> 3.6’
– Install
$ bundle install
2. Setup an rspec directory
Creates a spec folder with rails_helper.rb and spec_helper.rb file inside.
rails generate rspec:install
3. Write a test
– Create a new sub-directory named requests in the spec directory
– Add a new spec file ending with _spec.rb eg: evaluate_wor_spec.rb
– Write your test. Sample test :
– Boilerplate specs
# RSpec hooks into built-in generators
$ rails generate model user
# RSpecs own generators
$ rails generate rspec:model user
# More Information
$ rails generate –help | grep rspec
4. Run the test | Tag Options
$ bundle exec rspec
# Run specs in a certain directory
$ bundle exec rspec spec/models
# Run a specific spec file
$ bundle exec rspec ./spec/requests/get_items_spec.rb
# Run a specific spec in a certain line number
$ bundle exec rspec ./spec/requests/get_items_spec.rb:23
# Run by a specific tag name
$ bundle exec rspec –tag focus
# More Information
$ bundle exec rspec –help
Basic Command Line
Title | Code |
Test Ruby Installation | $ ruby --version |
Test Ruby Installation 2 | $ ruby -e "puts 1+1" #Output: 2 |
Generate config.yml | $ devkit directory > ruby dk.rb init |
Install devkit to enhance the enhanced version of ruby | $ ruby dk.rb install |
Create new Rails project | $ rails new project-name -d mysql |
Install gem file dependencies | $ bundle install |
Start web server | $ rails server | rails s |
Gem Commands
Title | Code | For More Information |
Installation | $ gem install gemName [gemName ...] [options] -- --build-flags [options] |
Installing a gem | $ gem install gemName |
Installing a specific version | $ gem install rails --version 5.0.0 |
Installing with no documents | $ gem install rails --version 5.0.0 --no-ri --no-rdoc |
Uninstall a gem | $ gem cleanup gemname |
Show dependencies of an installed gem | $ gem dependency REGEXP [options] |
View doc for an installed gem | $ ri RBTree |
View doc for installed gems in a browser | $ gem server |
Generate RDoc for pre-installed gems | $ gem rdoc [args] [options] |
Search remote gems by name | $ gem search [REGEXP] [options]
$ gem search ^rails |
Unpack an installed gem for modifications | $ gem unpack rake |
Query gem info in local or remote repo | $ gem query [options] |
Show info for the given gem | $ gem info gemName[options] |
Display the contents of a gem | $ gem contents gemName [options] |
Audit a gem’s contents without installing it | $ gem fetch gemName |
Build a gem | $ gem build GEMSPEC_FILE [options] |
Build a gem to a different output | $ gem build my_gem-1.0.gemspec --output=release.gem |
Check gem version | $ gem -v |
List locally installed gems | $ gem list |
Display all outdated gems | $ gem outdated [options] |
Update gem | $ gem update --system |
Open source in editor | $ gem open gemName [-e COMMAND] [options] |
Push gem to the gem server | $ gem push gemName [options] |
Get Help | $ gem --help |
Rails Commands
Title | Code |
Install Rails | $ gem install rails |
Rails Help | $ rails |
Create new application | $ rails new appName |
Launch a Web Server | $ rails server |
Generate a Controller | $ rails generate controller name [field[:type][:index] ...] [options] |
Generate a Controller with Actions | $ rails generate controller ControllerName action1 action2 |
Generate a Data model | $ rails generate model modelName |
Destroy a Data model | $ rails destroy model modelName |
Interact with Rails app from command line | $ rails console -e staging --sandbox |
Run Ruby code in the context of Rails non-interactively | $ rails runner "Model.long_running_method" |
Get information about Ruby, RubyGems, Rails etc. | $ rails about |
Pre-compile assets in app/assets | $ rails assets:precompile |
Remove older compiled assets | $ rails assets:clean |
Clear public/assets completely | $ rails assets:clobber |
Search through the code for comments beginning with a keyword. Default search directories : app, config, db, lib, and test Default annotations : FIXME, OPTIMIZE, and TODO Default extensions : .rb, .rake, .yml, .yaml, .ruby, .css, .js, .erb | $ rails notes |
List all the defined routes | $ rails routes |
Clearn Rails temp directory | $ rails tmp:cache:clear |
- ⇒ A standalone Ruby Utility (Task runner)
- ⇒ Works by using the Rakefile located in the root of the project.
- ⇒ Ruby`s implementation of Unix`s make program : rake = ruby make
In Project ⇒ lib ⇒ tasks ⇒ mytask.rake
desc “My Custom taks.” task :mytask do puts “I will write some code here.” end . Execute the task rake mytask.
Title | Code |
List available rake tasks | $ rake -T |
Filter list | $ rake -T db |
Pass environment variables | $ rake db:schema:dump RAILS_ENV=production |
Connect to a database and export the schema of the database | $ rake db:schema:dump |
Migrate Database schema and data | $ rake db:migrate |
Undo Database migration all the way down | $ rake db:migrate Version=0 |
– Methods are named lowercase (snake_case) in ruby
– Every method returns a value. (the last value in the method is returned by default).
– Methods that return true/false end with a question mark (?)
– Parameter list and parentheses can be skipped if the method doesn’t take any arguments
. .– Methods can have multiple optional parameters (They must be either the first or the last parameters)
.– Methods end with a question mark (?)
.– Methods end with an exclamation mark (!)
– They usually modify the objects that they are called on
.– attr_reader method creates an instance variable and a getter method for each attribute name passed as argument.
– attr_writer method creates an instance variable and a setter method for each attribute name passed as argument.
– attr_accessor method creates an instance variable, a getter and a setter method for each attribute name passed as argument.
– Arguments can be a Symbol or String that will be converted to Symbol
Arithmetic Operator
Comparison Operator
Assignment Operator
Blocks, Props & Lambdas
⇒ Enclosed in a do / end or between brackets {}.
⇒ Argument names are defined within pipe | characters.
⇒ Invoked from a function with the same name as that of the block.
⇒ Invoked using the yield statement.
⇒ Any number of arguments can be passed to a yield.
⇒ Enclosed in a do / end or between brackets {}.
⇒ In return statements: Tries to return from the current context.
⇒ A way to define a block & its parameters with some special syntax.
⇒ Just a special Proc object.
⇒ Lambdas are defined with -> {} while procs with {}.
⇒ Procs return from the current method, while lambdas return from the lambda itself.
⇒ Procs don’t care about the correct number of arguments, while lambdas will raise an exception.
⇒ Return and break behaves differently in procs and lambdas
⇒ Next behaves same way in both procs and lambdas
⇒ Curried Function takes multiple arguments one at a time.
Exception Handling
Begin Rescue
Custom Exceptions